Our Hospital Chaplaincies

Based in Saskatoon and Regina the Northern and Southern Saskatchewan Hospital Chaplaincy provide Spiritual and Compassionate Care to patients & families in Regional Health Care Facilities. 

About Us


Northern Saskatchewan Hospital Chaplaincy (Saskatoon)

Chaplain: Emily Carr
Phone: 306-227-8707
E-mail: rev.emilycarr@outlook.com


South Saskatchewan Hospital Chaplaincy (Regina)

Chaplain: Lorna King
Phone: 306-551-7755
E-mail: lking1255@yahoo.com

Chaplaincy Exists to Provide Spiritual Care –

For many people, being in the hospital presents an array of spiritual challenges: fear, loneliness, confusion, changing self-image, loss of hope. Spiritual care provides a non-anxious presence that allows people to feel and express their spiritual state, and to foster growth and strength. Spiritual Care may use elements of a person’s faith tradition, or other spiritual practices, to help them recover and build spiritual strengths such as courage, patience, hope, and acceptance.

Chaplaincy Exists to Facilitate Communication and Advocacy –

The world of the hospital is not easy to understand and even more complicated when one is sick. In many cases, especially when decisions are required to be made by a patient or family, spiritual care providers are able to act as a bridge in communication between patient and family and hospital staff. We help families understand what it means to end life support, and what will happen in this process. We are able to communicate with staff when a family is ready. We help and support patients who are choosing Medical Assistance in Dying, and are able to help them communicate their decision to their children and families . When needed, we are able to help patients connect with resources such as social workers within the hospital or other programs and services provided in the community upon discharge.

Chaplaincy Exists to Carry Out Rites of Passage –

Hospitals or long-term-care facilities are not where most of us would choose to mark or celebrate rites of passage, but the reality is that it is a place where families find themselves at some of life’s most important intersections. The Northern Saskatchewan Hospital Chaplaincy seeks to help families honour the meaning, beauty, and dignity in their lives by providing rites of passage upon request, including baptisms, prayers for the end of life, marriage ceremonies, and celebrating important birthdays and milestones.