Thank-You to the UCC Foundation Gift Fund!

SSHC South Sask Hospital Chaplaincy is pleased to announce that we have received a grant from the Gift Fund of The United Church of Canada Foundation in the amount of $1,792.42.  We give thanks for the generous anonymous donors who value and support the work of the chaplaincy in Regina hospitals.  As a result of these gifts, patients, residents and their families will continue to receive spiritual care from our chaplain, Lorna King.

We are grateful for donations to the Gift Fund, as well as all the donations we receive from individuals, families, communities of faith.  We also grief with communities of faith who have closed their churches, and we are thankful for their decisions to share some of their remaining funds with our ministry.

If you or a family member or member of your community of faith is hospitalized in Regina and you would like spiritual care (a pastoral visit), you can ask your nurse to contact the United Church Chaplain or contact Lorna directly 1(306) 552-7755 (phone or text).

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